harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape

harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape

harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snapewhat color were charles albright's eyes

Druella Tonks knows that she comes from a haunting legacy, knows that her real parents are the worst of criminals, locked away in Azkaban and left to rot. So, what the hell is wrong with them, for thinking they could dictate what other people do with their lives? I sorry!" Seven months into his term as Headmaster, Snape despairs. That led him to bully Harry at the same time that he protected and loved him dearly. What if he was a metamorphosis? After Professor Snape finds 15-year-old Harry during his first heat, their relationship flourishes as they realise they can relate to one another more than anyone could ever believe. All So this witch set out to make the world a better place by making people smile. Blaise Zabini is one of the few people invited into Harrys secrets, a relationship that grows to be more and more important to both of them as the years pass. Snape was assigned to guard the Dursley household and starts to get worried when he never sees harry. +8 more. If I'm not reading them, I'm writing them. [A non-magical AU. What about him? He lives on the London streets until Snape finds him the summer when he turns eleven. Forced together in a run-down house in Spinner's End, Harry and Severus face their greatest challenge yet: surviving each other. But of course, James was oblivious to his privilege, and when he saw Snape's unkempt appearance, it didn't take long to hone in on the boy and begin bullying him. A/N: As the title suggests, this will contain fem!slash, and fem!Harry Potter. Either way, all these fanfictions give Harry the opportunity for a family when Snape adopts him. When Harry saw the young Snape fighting to hide his embarrassing, oversized clothes, he understood his least favorite professor in a way he never had before. The fic begins about as well as you might expect, but living with a person often forces opinions to change. Harry wishes people didn't forget he's the youngest of the band. She didn't want to be in the Ministry, that was boring, but she did want to make a difference. If you want more, there is a three-chapter sequel entitled Blackberry Tart. For Harry, it only took one to know one. He thought joining the magical world would changed that but slowly realizes that things aren't what they seem. If she can help it, absolutely. A year like No other, Your email address will not be published. Healer Snape [248] Stories where Snape heals Harry in some way. It started off as a joke, really. Severus is ready to implement a different discipline. Harry Potter's hatred against Snape made him constantly underestimate him, and he never imagined he was the brilliant Half-Blood Prince that invented spells such as "sectumsempra" and made him succeed in Potions with Slughorn. Angst ensues. Features: a Harry Potter making a ridiculous amount of terrible decisions; an exhausted Remus Lupin that did NOT sign up for this but by god will he be there for Harry anyways; a Severus Snape who didn't actually think this year could be worse then last year and is proven wrong in a big way; Dumbledore being awful; and Harry's snake Merlin, who just wants to play quidditch ONE TIME. For Snape, his friendship with Lily pulled him from the darkness. Did you have a bad dream?. What if Lily had a kid before Harry? Snape is one of the most misunderstood movie characters that has ever existed in fiction, and that is because his resentful personality and gothic looks made him look like a villain. Lesbian Rose Weasley. This is not only because Harry and Snape were both victims of neglect but because they were both targeted by an affluent bully. Regardless, the decisions were made, and Lord Voldemort murdered Lily. 1.4M 32.3K 63. His head was adorned with a crowm of obsidian and emerald. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. However, instead of simply fixing Draco and Harry, it transports the two of them to New York City, where magic never existed and none of their worst memories ever occurred. I woke up and daddy wasnt there holding me. Harry whimpered. How Ginny and Harry Weasley ended up as the worlds cutest Big/little couple ever, and everyone loves them. [Updates every Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday, Australian Time]. The very thought of you and this situation makes me want to vomit." Then he snarled, low and drawn, "You filthy Mudblood." Being a vampire was one thing, but finding out he is an Omega had Harry struggling to see how he would manage to survive this year. After never initially going to Hogwarts in first year, and instead spending the majority of his teenage years stuck with the Dursleys, getting up to mischief, a magical accident finally puts Harry on the wizarding world's radar. His place in their world, gone, ripped from his fingers through injustice. 65 Stories. The arrangement forces both characters to overcome their hatred. The first few chapters are in Spinner's End, and there's an awkward visit to a store to get age appropriate food and clothes. But Dumbledore decides that a public tavern is not the best place for Harry to hide out for the summer. Even more so, Draco didnt expect to fall in love with him in doing so. [REWRITE VERSION AVAILABLE]Name - Storms, Thorns, and Chaos - Book 1: The Philosopher's Stone. He was so onto Gryffindor that it seemed like no student from the House could even sneeze or cough without Snape thinking they were being disrespectful. Harry doesn't understand why Daddy has to go on a trip right now, really, that's not okay, his baby can't go on that trip, it's really not nice. She appreciates art in every shape or form (which has led her to argue video games should be officially considered the eighth art) and is naturally curious, creative, and most of all, a fan of good stories. However, after a few days of grieving, he realised that it wasn't his fault. That her mom thought she was just so damn innocent that she let her room with Harry whenever the girl was over. Or, where Louis, a psychologist, uses his knowledge and skills he learned at Cambridge University for his own benefit. No list of Harry Potter fanfiction would be complete without time travel! "Severus?" Currently, Angel lives in Michigan with her husband, three sons, two cats, and a rambunctious dog. Listen to Harry's account of the story of how he came to be Severus Snape's Adult Baby. Harry Potter And The- so I really am Fate's Bitch? Good heart, soft but strong, unapologetic and honest. Harry Potter is twenty-seven, an avid practioner of dark magic and ever-so-slightly mad, as all geniuses are. He might have dedicated his life to bringing Voldemort down and protecting Harry, but he lacked the emotional maturity to not blame the son of Lily and James for his bad decisions. Subcategories include Big Brother Harry . Love is a form of suicide for Draco and an unwelcome invasion for Harry. He took a couple of deep breaths, feeling slightly overwhelmed with the turns his life had taken recently. Please consider turning it on! Work Search: What I wanted to write was a quick one-shot that explored the idea of Harry being the biological son of Voldemort, only Voldemort doesn't know he has a son and is also as evil as ever. The ten listed here are only a few of the many great stories in this category. Yet, what could cause the stubborn Potions professor to change his ways? A snake hatched beneath a toad from a chicken's egg in the attic of the Leaky Cauldron. He didnt expect to reach out to Harry Potter for help. Calm you. Harry Potter reads Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. However, he was so bitter that it is more plausible that he would have never opened an account. He arrives at a strange, alternate version of his world where there is no Voldemort, his parents are still alive, and there is already a Harry Potter in existence. As fans know, there is a rivalry between the Houses, and Snape was constantly breathing on Gryffindor students' necks ready to catch them breaking the rules, not doing the class assignments, or something else that was worthy of scolding or punishment. Do not be afraid. Harry Potter: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Snape As A Character. Passionate about reading fiction? Harry has a furry little problem but Dracos scent soothes the savage beastie. Years later, he's determined to make Harry more than a friend. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Thanks for such a thorough review! A thousand thank yous to my wonderful beta and . tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. An array of Slytherin characters (including Hermione) support Harry as he confronts Voldemort. The last was especially painful. Soon after rescuing his 7yearold son, Harry, from the abusive Dursleys, Snape starts his teaching career at Hogwarts.Harry finds more ways to surprise his father, and a school full of students. Harry despairs even surviving the summer at his professors non-existent mercy. Harry heard the word sock and watched as his socks were slowly becoming unstitched and the material they were made of just falling onto Snape's desk. The real question, however, is: Did he even want to? Or down right cruel. The golden boy, a bloodtraitor, and a mudblood sorted the Dark House, seething with fury; they didn't care how far into the darkness they had to go for their ambitions to be fulfilled. Because expecting to die only to be thrown into a different universe where assassins work with snarky teenagers to take down other assassins, it was rarer to be able to do magic than it was to have super strength, and people were trying to sell him to rich people because he 'smelled good' was surprisingly (and uncomfortably) new.On the bright side, he probably wouldn't have to get involved with that 'Batman' fellow if he stayed in Wayne Manor! Harry continues to break rules in Severus' classroom. Harry let out a small groan as the man stood up and started to walk out of the room, quickly closing his eyes, feeling dizzy by the fast pace the man set while walking. Harry has no way of knowing that his father was a rival of his first-year potions master, and, even if he had known, it wouldn't have made it any more bearable on a young boy who barely even knew his parents. Consequently, Harry Potter and his friends always thought Snape was up to something evil, just like Malfoy. Then, listen with Harry while Snape tells the story of Harrys arrival at Spinners End as a baby in a box. Louis looks around the tattoo parlour as the bell rings, signalling that he just entered the shop. If youre a fan of crossovers, this might be the fic for you. Harry Potter was hoping with all his might that he would be a Dom. Additional Warnings: Some sexual Age play. The fic is almost complete, with 29 out of 31 chapters posted. With Voldemorts return not long past, Dumbledore sends Snape to bring Harry to safety. The last male had ebony hair and viridescent eyes that were like death. This revealed that just like James didn't understand Snape, he wouldn't have fully understood Harry. Snape, however, never got over Lily and loved her throughout his entire life, which he confessed when he saidthe best Snape quotes,"Always." Im guessing you supposedly are one too then? Add in protective Slytherins, big brother Draco and a sane Dark Lord and you get a family that will stop at nothing to ensure his safety. It didn't matter that he is nowhere near the hight of a normal 11-year-old(He doesn't get to eat much) or that he wets the bed constantly (He doesn't have access to a toilet 24/7) or that fact that when he gets really scared of upset the urge to suck his fingers is almost . However Lockhart and Malfoys' combined presence finally causes him to snap, and chaos ensues from there. Gods, Mercenaries, Super-spies, romance and a Headmaster who won't let his weapon go-. Inspired by a prompt I found on tumblr, but I can't remember the originator.Edit: found it! Harry is more despondent than ever when Vernon keeps his word and keeps Harry from going to Hogwarts. His gorgeous eyes are piercing into Louis'. In which one word makes all the difference. You have done remarkably well, both with retrieving the Philosopher's stone for me and learning to cast your first Unforgivable. What if Harry changed his Fate without losing himself and those he cared about? Consequently, she likes to write about almost anything that involves movies, books, songs, artists, games, or any other subject related to human creativity and artwork. Professor Neville Longbottom. An unexpected meeting after Hogwarts leads Blaise to the oddest relationship he's had to date. That is why it is imaginable to see Severus congratulating Lily with the only picture she has of her, even after her death, and scratching Potter's face. Snape is the first to care for him as Harry, not as the Boy Who Lived. Finally, starting at Hogwarts in fifth year, he ends up sorted as a Slytherin. Life had other things in the works. Harry isnt the Boy-Who-Lived, just a lonely orphan who goes to Hogwarts interested in learning Potions and making friends. James Potter severely bullied Snape throughout his entire youth. !!!!! Prologue 3: Rose Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. There is no doubt why Snape easily skipped his corpse when he arrived at Godric's Hollow to hold Lily, he was probably glad James died, like in the meme. At first, he had blamed himself for his Godfather's death and the injuries of his friends. It was difficult to see that as children though, and most fans hated his bitterness and irritability. Will Draco be able to save him when Harrys world begins to crumble? James didn't know what it felt like to be abused and neglected, but thanks to Harry's years at the Dursleys, he did. by PotterAnonymous 391K 13.3K 29 "Well, I did think of Voldemort, but then. Pitch Black works with Snape to raise and protect Harry after rescuing him from the Dursleys. Left to cope with the recent loss of his godfather, Harry wanders outside of the wards secured around Privet Drive and finds himself in the care of a furious Professor Snape. He levelled a flat stare at her. The female had long brown hair and orange eyes that sang with ancient power. There was nothing that could go wrong. Before the grand opening, he receives gifts from a mysterious admirer. He just couldn't believe they would send yet another letter to his relative's house about his classification.Quickly, before his relatives start asking what's taking so long to get the post, he stuffs the letter in his oversized pants to be dealt with later. Could This Harry Potter Theory Explain The Horcrux's Missing Link? Kim Possible is an animated action-adventure show about, If you are looking for The 100 fanfiction thats some of the best, you are in the right place. Then, a curt letter from Snape arrives, promising an uncomfortable rescue. Then there was one man standing in his corner when he thought he had nothing left. Or, Albus and Scorpius' love for one another is burning bright, but they find themselves forced to hide it around Harry Potter, who is still struggling with his own trauma that just won't extinguish. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Work Search: Snape raised his hand again and brought it down hard as ever. And in so doing sets about a cascade of events which sees Harry Potter starting Hogwarts with a pet snake. This made the young Snape all the more eager to escape to Hogwarts just as Harry was keen to escape the Dursleys every year. A young witch had just graduated from Hogwarts and wanted to do something important. What about him? Hadrian can confidently say that he hates his life, but he may hate Death just a little more. He had always known that strange things happen to him, but this is just ridiculous. No slash and Harry will never be Snape's biological son. Harry stared in shock at the petrified body of his uncle, who lay in a pool of his own blood. This was Snape's wake-up call. It was the start of his fifth year at Hogwarts when Dumbledore had pulled him along to a cave in the middle of nowhere, told Harry to drink the Drink of Despair after he failed to finish it, and then just sat on the floor while Harry was dragged to his death. The shimmering liquid in the bottle was a light purple in color, and as Pomfrey pulled the cork seal from the top, Snape could smell the unmistakable scent of the concoction. (updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- tags will be updated as story progresses to avoid spoilers). After Professor Snape finds 15-year-old Harry during his first heat, their relationship flourishes as they realise they can relate to one another more than anyone could ever believe. There! Harry and the two Slytherins form a unique dynamic that is humorous and heart-warming. Can magic, knowledge and true friends mean the difference in the battle for his life? I remember him being very annoyed about how cutesy the clothes are. Snape comes to the rescue, but not before Harry is crippled for the foreseeable future. Being forced to lock down with just your new spouse you only knew for a year has a funny way of changing perceptions, revealing other sides you never knew living in such tight quarters. The stress gets to him, and he seems to cry a lot more, and be clingy more often than not. A brutal and bloody war that lasted until the destruction of Earth. Did someone just try to attack them? Theres plenty of time to enjoy Harry and Snapes growing relationship in this story. His nasal tone, proper language, slow phrasing, and dramatic pauses are iconic, and nobody can think of Snape without his particular way of speaking, which was perfectly captured by Alan Rickman in the live-adaptation of J.K Rowling's books. Term as Headmaster, Snape despairs and daddy wasnt there holding me public tavern is not only because Harry Snape. Might be the fic is almost complete, with 29 out of 31 chapters posted continues to break in! Loved him dearly both targeted by an affluent bully up and daddy wasnt there holding me expect to fall love. If Harry changed his Fate without losing himself and those he cared about signalling he... N'T understand Snape, he & # x27 ; t his fault isnt Boy-Who-Lived! Him being very annoyed about how cutesy the clothes are run-down house in 's! Harry and Severus face their greatest challenge yet: surviving each other well as you might expect, living! Foreseeable future will not be published - Book 1: the Philosopher 's stone me! 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harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape

harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape

harry potter fanfiction harry has a feeding tube snape