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Graham had every reason to refuse or defer publication of the Pentagon Papers. It wasnt until years later that I looked at the downside of all this and realized that, perversely, I had seemed to enjoy the role of doormat wife. in 1964, in his bedroom, she sat in an armchair while the President lay down on the bed. City Lights: Your weekly guide to artsy goings-on, hitting your inbox Thursdays and Sundays. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Then Mrs. Graham started past it. Here was someone who combined for me the two parts of my life that I thought were inescapably separate. He was married to Katharine Graham, the daughter of Eugene Meyer, the previous owner of The Washington Post. When a young woman named Deborah Davis published a biography in 1979 called Katharine the Great, Mrs. Graham objected so strongly to its charges and innuendo that the chairman and president of Harcourt Brace, William Jovanovich, ordered the book withdrawn from stores and the inventory of more than twenty thousand copies reduced to pulp. She had to learn to be a publisher and, what was more, to be a far better publisher than her husband had been. In the summer of 1963, Phil seemed to be getting betterhe was undergoing treatment at a psychiatric center in Marylandand there was even hope of resuming a normal life at home. I would be recalled to the home office. She hardly exists in Woodward and Bernsteins books, and she is portrayed in cardboard terms almost everywhere else. Dr. Phil and Wife Robin Live in a Sprawling Mansion! Housing Complex However, on Feb. 4, he traveled to New York and went straight to Idlewild, where he met Robin once more. At one meeting with L.B.J. At about the same time, she was on a cross-country flight and ran into Senator Bob Dole, who was then working as chairman and chief hatchet man for the Republican National Committee. By early March 1961, Phil was involved in his old in-depth way with many activities -- political and Post Co.-related -- and he seemed to me to be enjoying himself. To read Personal History is to understand how ridiculous is the right-wing image of Graham as the matriarch of the liberal-media conspiracy. Graham instructed Bradlee to recount what he had seen and heard, and after he had done so the publisher and the three officials worked out a deal: as long as all the city pools were shut down for the time being and would be integrated the following year, the paper would print nothing more of what had happened. Phil was bright, issue-oriented, hard-working, witty, and, to me, amazingly good-looking. Im here If you need me and I love you. Philip Leslie "Phil" Graham (July 18, 1915 - August 3, 1963) was an American newspaper publisher. The whole idea of buying Newsweek and adding yet another huge responsibility to his already too-full plate made me nervous. I cannot tell you how pained I am by the circumstances which have caused you, quite unnecessarily, distress and concern, Jovanovich wrote in a cowering letter to Mrs. Graham. I told her that this woman, this very important woman, was gravely ill and in need of immediate medical attention. . I found it impossibly difficult to learn and never really did, although my children tried having me learn by stamping out cigarettes and drying myself with bath towels. Tomorrow: Watergate. To a reporter, and especially a reporter in 1996, there doesnt seem to be a need to make any decision at all. This was my most important contribution to the interview with the General Secretary of the Communist Party. Phil was bright, issue-oriented, hard-working, witty, and, to me, amazingly good-looking. Indeed, the paper was still struggling for its life. A few days later, I was assigned to show her and her close friend Meg Greenfield, the Posts editorial-page editor, around the city that was then known as Leningrad. After a hurricane struck in 1926, the sugar company gave up and his father developed a dairy business on some of the land. Museums/Galleries In middle age and in a state of grief, she suddenly found herself in charge of a newspaper that had yet to show any signs of greatness, and of a group of men who regarded her with, at best, considerable suspicion. This was not entirely to the good. By this time, Robin had returned to Paris. Since architects can't go up, they feel like they have to use every inch, so it's a striking building that takes up 80 percent of its block near 12th and F streetsthere are trees and an open area. In 1966, Truman Capote, her neighbor at the U.N. Plaza, where she kept a New York apartment, threw his famous Black-and-White costume ball for her. In the fall of 1942, Dad and I were on a train coming back from New York, and naturally we were talking about Phil. The Post pursued Watergate as a news story, not as an ideological crusade. Sometime after the "brainwashing" party, Johnson urged Phil to be at his side during the final push for passage of the bill. The founder, Lucy Madeira Wing, believed that God was a woman and tried to mold the girls into Shavian Fabians, an army wielding its noblesse oblige. He stormed the podium and berated The only thanks you ever seem to receive is a deafening chorus of carping criticism. The doctor to whom he was sent, Leslie Farber, was an analyst heavily into existential psychology. Robin . . On Jan. 1, 1946, he started his postwar work at the age of 30 as associate publisher of The Post. . Phil remained loyal to Johnson until he lost the bid for the nomination. Kennedy immediately agreed, "so immediately as to leave me doubting the easy triumph," Phil noted in a memo afterward. I insisted. Five months later, Phil Graham, once again in a trough of depression, ended the affair and came home.}. Phil would be publisher in title and in fact. I had to face facts -- Phil was really gone. When they were taken to see JFK, Phil spoke -- "shrewdly and eloquently," according to Joe -- pointing out all the obvious things that Johnson could add to the ticket and noting that not having Johnson on the ticket would certainly be trouble. He was a clerk for Supreme Court Justice Stanley Reed while waiting to clerk the following year for Felix Frankfurter, his mentor from Harvard Law School. At one point, he wanted to fire the highly respected editorial writer Alan Barth, who had dared to defend the right of Earl Browder, the former secretary-general of the Communist Party in America, not to name names before a Senate subcommittee. Katharine knew that her husband and her old way of life were lost to her, but, fearful though she was of confrontation and of Williams, she was determined to fight for the paper. Early on, Phil predicted that Kennedy and Johnson would be the only candidates to come into the Democratic Convention with sizable blocs of delegates. Grahamone always referred to her as Mrs. Graham, even in private and at great distancesdid not travel in the style of the British Raj, but she was not arriving on a Eurailpass, either.. Despite Katharines fear of living out her life alone and unaccomplished, she soon met one of the brightest young men in her Washington circlePhilip Graham, a protg and clerk of Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. Four months prior, the 48-year-old Graham had delivered a famous and oft-quoted speech to Newsweek correspondents in London, in which he popularized the idea of journalism as a first rough draft of history. (Graham is oftenmistakenly credited with coining the phrase, though it had already been in use at Post newsroom for several decades.). All that has changed now, with the publication of Katharine Grahams own Personal History (Knopf; $30). Everything rotated around him, and I willingly participated in keeping him at the center of things. The deal took only about three weeks from beginning to end, during which time he slept very little and rode a high crest, working feverishly to get it done. Basketball Terms & Conditions (I had a French dressa Balmain design, copied at Bergdorf Goodman, she writes. Katharine Grahams establishment position on the war did not go unnoticed. In the summer of 1949, there were race riots in Washington over the integration of a city swimming pool. While publisher of the Post, he grew so close to L.B.J. the tiny fringe of arrogant litists who infect the healthy mainstream of American journalism with their own peculiar view of the world. The fact is, though, that two days after making that statement Colson talked to Howard Hunt about the need to supply more financial help to the defendants in the Watergate trial. In October 1962, Phil accepted an invitation from President Kennedy to serve as an incorporator of the Communications Satellite Corp., known as COMSAT, with the understanding that he would be elected to head it. . Years later he told me that he had developed his wit and humor as a way to deal with his younger-boy social and athletic disadvantages. I adopted the assumption of many of my generation that women were intellectually inferior to men, that we were not capable of governing, leading, managing anything but our homes and our children. This being Russia, however, I could not bet with any confidence against the possibility that he was at this very moment converting his cash into a refreshing liquidity at some local bote. To win the paper, Phil employed the most feared lawyer in Washington, Edward Bennett Williams. See Photos. So did Meg Greenfield. Phil was born in 1915 in . Ronald Reagan made sure to accept invitations to Mrs. Grahams house after his election in 1980, and in so doing he horrified his most ideological liegementhe ones who (unlike such old pros as Dole) really do believe in a liberal-media conspiracy. I think my behavior was a combination of a rational ideathat it was better to be talking to people who hated us or disapproved of us than notand that good old-fashioned encumbrance of mine, the desire to please., Not long after Watergate, she worried about over-involvement and a newspapers need to guard against the romantic tendency to picture itself in the role of a heroic and beleaguered champion, defending virtues against overwhelming odds. Watergate, she writes, had been an aberration, and I felt we couldnt look everywhere for conspiracies and cover-ups.. There were moments of strain between us, mostly when he drank too much, after which -- almost inevitably -- a rather violent quarrel would ensue, followed by abject apologies and diminished drinking, or even a temporary period of no drinking at all. Under Philip Graham's management, the newspaper, thanks to its collaboration with the CIA, experienced an upswing and its empire expanded, including the purchase of the then-moribund Newsweek magazine [1] and other media properties. Felix adopted Phil as one of his "boys" before he was appointed by President Roosevelt to the Supreme Court. Performance/Dance But then, at intermission, she seemed to tire. Phil stunned Katharine by proposing marriage to her almost instantly, and he followed up the proposal with an insistence that they set out for Florida and a life without family money. "We have worked out this solution: we'll live in the sort of house, have the sort of furniture, eat the sort of food, go to the sort of places, that young people making salaries like mine can afford.". At dinner that night, Phil stood up and went straight to the lectern, where he began to speak. He held onto his balance for only another month before his first major depression set in. See Photos. As is true of any royal visit, there were many logistical problems to be worked out. As far as I know, Katharine Graham had not written much since her early days on the Post, when she wrote a magazine column and was the anonymous author of such editorials as On Being a Horse, Mixed Drinks, and Spotted Fever. And yet I dont know of a more complex autobiography by an American business figure, certainly not one that allows itself such moments of weakness, embarrassment, and pain. Books Beer Like many members of his class and generation, his postwar view was shaped by his work in wartime intelligence; a classic Cold War liberal, he was uncomfortable with McCarthy, but quite friendly with the personnel and policies of the CIA. . For all his seeming irreverence and liberality, Phil Graham was no less domineering than any other husband of his day: Always, it was he who decided and I who responded. {Rauh favored a much broader civil rights bill, but the Senate had watered it down.} It was incredibly exciting. He wanted Estes Kefauver to head an anticrime commission and told him so, repeatedly, until Kefauver did it. I think this definition of roles deepened as time went on and I became increasingly unsure of myself. Over the years, she would fire an endless line of Newsweek editors and Post executives, but in Bradlee she had found someone who from the start satisfied her in every respect: lan, strength, social class, and talent. The first nights entertainment was an easy choice: the Kirov Ballet. And then nothing more. Having Phil back was a tremendous -- and tremendously complicated -- relief. At the beginning of 1954, an event occurred that led up to what I still think of as the defining moment for the company: the unexpected acquisition of the Times-Herald {the other morning paper in Washington}. This is a surprising piece of work on every level. When she suggested to the Newsweek editors that it might be a good idea to hire Aline Saarinen, of the Times, to edit the back of the book, they brushed the suggestion off, saying that the closings were too late, that the physical demands of the job would be too much. She'd been told that Harvard was the best, so her dying wish was that he go there. My father had said that he himself was too old to let Phil work his way up. . Whoops! The Post Company had gone public just two days before getting the papers, and publication could easily have affected its stock prices for the worse. I never should have gone, she said. Needless to say, for years I regaled all who would listen with my Katharine Graham story. By mid-1948, The Post was still a rocky, if lively, paper. In effect [Bill and Steve] lost both parents at once. Phil was born in 1915 in Terry, S.D., and moved as a boy to the Everglades, where his father, Ernest Graham, was manager of a sugar cane plantation. Best Blood Sugar Supplements 2023: Top Blood Sugar Pills That Work, Best Ebony OnlyFans To Follow For Thick Ebony OnlyFans Videos (2023), Best Dating Sites For Older People: Mature Site To Find Love, Best CBD for Dog Anxiety: High-Quality oils to Calm Your Dog, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. It never crossed my mind that he might have viewed me as someone to take on an important job at the paper. We don't have one. It was a fleeting, mystifying moment, but a very real one. It's hard to describe my devastation after my discovery of the affair. That decision may have been right for me, she writes, but it was so wrong for Bill and Steve and even for Donso wrong that I wonder how I could have made it. The book has been republished twice by small presses. One did not want to spend the remainder of ones career taste-testing lima beans. At that point, Phil got together with {columnist} Joe Alsop to discuss the merits of Lyndon Johnson as Kennedy's running mate. It is not usually advisable, or possible, to argue with a Soviet bus, but my priorities were clear. . . Courtesy photo Editor's Note: This story originally appeared in the summer 2019 edition of. . See Photos. The area was still a wilderness. Getting it launched was a full-time job, requiring massive organizational skills, infinite tact and patience, and a huge amount of time and energy. The End. Phil Grahams world had been the world of the powerful, and his widow did not want to offend its leading members. On July 5, Johnson held a press conference at which he announced his candidacy. He sparked ideas, praised and persuaded, criticized and cajoled. Phil also brought into my life more laughter, gaiety, irreverence for rules, and originality. Yet, with all her complexity, I felt closer throughout my early childhood to my mother than to the very distant and rather difficult figure of my father. It was a loyal nanny, Powelly, who supplied the hugs, the comforting, the feeling of human contact, even the love that my mother did not.. Great risk was involved, or so one heard. I had begun writing so-called light editorials and laying out parts of the editorial page. Then, in June 1946, President Truman called and asked my father to become the first president of the World Bank. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. I said that, much as I admired and loved President Kennedy, Phil personally had got along with him much better than I had. With Grahams support, Bradlee was soon firing the lazy and the mediocre, the racist and the dull, and he then set about raiding topflight papers around the country for their best talent. The Life and Death of a Ukrainian Photographer. and U.P.I., were infuriating the White House with reporting that showed the contrast between the official statements of the generals and the dire situation in the field, the Post could not keep pace. Olympic Sports, Savage Love It introduced him to Felix Frankfurter. Even before Adolph Ochs bought the paper, in 1896, the Times had earned its record for rigor when it went after Boss Tweed. He never really meant it when he spent weeks vilifying the Times for bias, he told Katharine Q. I cant write in the eloquent words he used. {But a fight was unnecessary. But what of it? In his first, brief tenure at The Post, Ben Bradlee was deeply distressed by the side of Phil that used the paper to achieve his political purposes, however worthy. Robin Harrison Webb. His anxiety as a son-in-law was in place before the wedding vows. Graham supported Eisenhower in 1952 and, in the service of that support, censored the work of his greatest star, the cartoonist Herblock, in the last two weeks of the campaign. Baseball On Aug. 3, 1963, former Washington Post publisher Philip Graham, having struggled with severe bouts of depression for at least five years, went into the bathroom of his family farm near Marshall,. Phil, who had been helping him prepare for this moment for months, was at his side working on his statement. A South Dakota native, Philip Graham graduated from Harvard Law School and worked as a clerk to two Supreme Court justices. Not only did Phil own the majority of the stock but he also believed that his efforts as publisher entitled him to ownership. Mrs. Graham, for her part, wrote back to him, I was full of admiration anyway for what you did and the way you did it. In the end, Davis sued her publisher for libel and breach of contract in 1982 and received a hundred-thousand-dollar settlement. I was not about to give up the paper without a fight. (The Meyers had five children, of whom Katharine was the fourth.) Under Philip Graham, the Post had no prayer of even pretending to match the standards of the countrys best paper. . This arrangement was never an issue. There, in a ballroom full of the nation's top publishers, Phil Graham lost it. If by June the Washington establishment is happy with Ronald Reagan, then you should be unhappy with Ronald Reagan. In the coming years, Mrs. Graham formed an especially close friendship with Nancy Reagan. Grahams insecurity as a woman, as a publisher, and as a parent has clear and painful origins. Phil and my mother also got along well. Moreover, Graham was acutely sensitive about the image of the Post as a liberal newspaper and, as a result, had chosen a law firm with close connections to the Republican Party; not surprisingly, Grahams lawyers urged her to delay publishing or not to publish at all. Bus, but the Senate had watered it down. } graduated from Harvard School! A fight, criticized and cajoled piece of work on every level I had begun writing so-called editorials! Swimming pool you ever seem to be worked out his postwar work at the of. To speak carping criticism immediate medical attention then, at intermission, she in! Your inbox Thursdays and Sundays where he began to speak, Phil the... Only did Phil own the majority of the countrys best paper, with the publication of the Pentagon Papers race... 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robin webb phil graham photos

robin webb phil graham photos

robin webb phil graham photos